BASAF - Ahmet Esmer Kupası 1. Fotoğraf Yarışması

BASAF - Ahmet Esmer Kupası 1. Fotoğraf Yarışması
Contest Name

BASAF - Ahmet Esmer Kupası 1. Fotoğraf Yarışması

Contest Description

National members only.

Contest Specifications

To read the contest terms and conditions click.

  • Start Date 01.01.2025 00:00
  • Deadline for Participation 20.11.2025 23:00
  • Board Meeting Date 29.11.2025 00:00
  • Announcement of Results 01.12.2025 00:00
Institution Information
Issuing Institution
Balıkesir Fotoğraf Sanatı Derneği (BASAF)
Secretariat Officer
Secretariat E-Mail Address
[email protected]
Secretariat Phone
TFSF Representative and Approval Information
Representative Name Surname
TFSF Verification Code
Participant List (Last 10 Participants)
Name Lastname Country City Tamamı Renkli veya Tamamı Monokrom Sayısal Fotoğraf
Bülent FİDAN Turkey İstanbul 8 07.01.2025 08:48
K******* T******* Turkey Mersin 8 06.01.2025 14:07
Yasemin ÖZDEMIR Turkey Ankara 1 03.01.2025 13:49
Esma Zehra YALÇIN Turkey Ankara 1 02.01.2025 15:05
* City information is not displayed if Citizens of the Republic of Turkey not living in Turkey